Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Time to plan a trip to Korea...

The paper Architecting Automotive Product Lines: Industrial Practice by Håkan Gustavsson from Scania and myself have been accepted to the 14th Software Product Line Conference.
"Dear authors,

Thank you for your submission to SPLC 2010.
We are pleased to inform you that your paper has been accepted for inclusion in the SPLC full paper program.
Due to strong competition, we could only accept 28 full papers out of 90 submissions, giving an acceptance rate of 31%.
Congratulations on being included in this select group.

... snip ...

Once again, congratulations on having your paper accepted.
We look forward to receiving your final revised paper, and to seeing you in September in Juju Island, South Korea.


Jan Bosch and Jaejoon Lee
PC Co-chairs
SPLC 2010"


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