Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Publications in the pipeline

The blog originally had the intention to cover topics I'm intersted to research. So here is a short status update of what I am doing right now in my research project.

Together with a fellow researcher I made an extensive interview series with architects at two major automotive companies. So far the data from these interviews is used for 3 papers which will be submitted this spring:
  1. A compararative case study on how two similar companies work with maintaining architctures.
  2. A short paper describing how archtiects view themselves in terms of skills, experience, attitudes, etc.
  3. Another paper which I'm not authoring

Last year I made extensive observations of architectural decisions for the architecture of the next generation electrical system at Volvo Cars. So far the data from these observed decisions will be used for 2 papers:

  1. A new classification scheme for archtiecture decsions, based on empirical data
  2. A case study of the 80 decisions observed at Volvo Cars

I also have an idea about an interesting AUTOSAR-paper which partly will use information from a student thesis project I will supervise later this spring.


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